"Upon my soul, I can think of nothing else ... "

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


When I started to write today I had almost a page about non verbal communications and how sometimes things get lost in translation, but I scrapped the entire thing after I realized everything I was writing was true but it wasn't what was really on my heart and mind. Fear is what is really going on so fear is what I will write about. When I was in 5th grade I used to read this book series for tweenagers called Fear Street. It was like Goosebumps but for an older audience I guess. Reading those books (which, by the way, were in no way beneficial to my education or my walk with the Lord as a young person) was exciting to me because of the suspense and the element of not knowing what was going to happen next to the characters. This is fun to read. In real life it is really just scary. I truly hate fear, worry, and anxiety. It robs you of the freedom and security you are supposed to feel in Christ. I want so very badly to live without fear. I really really do. The funny thing is I almost always work myself up to take care of my “fears” myself. This never goes well for me and at the end of it all I know it’s because I should be carrying everything to God in prayer. I know in Luke 12 it says to consider the ravens and that they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn and yet God feeds them and of how much more value am I than the birds! I read it and I find myself so thankful for the promise of his provision and care and yet I fall right back into anxiety over my own life. I want Luke 12 written in my heart in such a way that every care I cast on him, and in those moments my faith in his promise stands like a lighthouse in a storm. That my faith will guide my head and my heart even when the troubles arise and the darkness surrounds me. Like the father in Mark 9 my cry is “I believe, help my unbelief” I know that this prayer will be on my heart for awhile. I hope that if you are struggling with fear in any part of your own life that you will read the following verses and they will resonate in your heart and spirit as true, that you will see the love God has for you and believe in it, and that by His grace watch as His perfect love cast out all your fears.

In Luke 12:6-7 Jesus says:
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God.    Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.”

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