"Upon my soul, I can think of nothing else ... "

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Enemy

                 In a week I will be bound for South America on a mission to touch lives for Christ. This will be my 3rd trip to Ecuador and I am more than excited to go back and see familiar faces, make new friends, and love people in His name. The previous two trips have had their ups and downs. It seems like both years I was unfortunate enough to get sick but was also blessed to serve and have revealed to me a lifestyle other than my own. This is very humbling. It’s funny that when you get out of your own little world to step into another’s how you start to realize there is a common thread in our humanity; we are all united in the flesh with hearts searching for Love. The reuniting with our first love, our creator, really is the deep cry of every person’s heart. Some will recognize it and run towards the Savior. Other’s will ignore it, will stifle it in lesser gods, or seek to find the answer in their own selves. In this common bond is beauty because some will be reconciled to the King and tragedy because many will not.

                My first year, I did not know any of this. I was just getting over the anxiety and worries of traveling and traveling to a foreign place. My second year I was a lot less nervous but looking on it now I realize the enemy’s handiwork in distracting my mind and my heart. That brings me to this year. A wise, (and wonderful woman of God) once told me that when we are in the will of God the devil seeks us out to wage war on our heart and mind. I am certain that in previous years he has tried to derail me, but this year seems to take the cake. I believe if it wasn’t for God’s word that warns us of his the enemy’s “prowling” and his plans to “kill, steal, and destroy”, my previous experience in seeing God’s promises revealed, and the wise words of a friend I wouldn’t know up from down right now let alone have mind for the mission ahead. By knowing where this attack comes from and recognizing it as an effort to potentially disrupt my effectiveness for Christ  has made me not cower in the face of my circumstances, but fight all the more to have joy in saying “it is well with my soul” as the trials come.

                I say all of this to say …. Protect your heart and mind. There is so much that God wants to reveal to us and through us. Do not take your eye off the Lord. If troubles arise and if trials come, keep sight of the one who can carry you through it all. If you are going to Ecuador, if you are going on any mission trip, if you are in your everyday life living intentionally to make Christ known and bring God glory do not neglect to forget that there is an enemy. And you who are earnestly seeking God’s glory will be his main target. Yes, there is an enemy but there is also victory in Jesus. By preparation through God’s word, prayer, and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit we can walk through every trial, distraction, and attempt to steal our joy, mind, and heart for what we are really here to do. And we can be sure that God is faithful and promises like that of Psalm 34:18-19 (The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all) can be firmly stood upon.

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