"Upon my soul, I can think of nothing else ... "

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's a New Dawn It's a New Day

Hello, 2012. It has been almost two months since I have visited this blog and posted some thoughts. This is not out of pure laziness or neglect but rather just a period of rest and personal reflection for myself. I feel the pains that only growing can bring and while I would be lying if I said I am finding only joy in those pains, having them has brought me a sense of comfort in knowing that Christ has more planned for me than I would settle for. I anticipated that January would be a hurricane of spiritual attacks from the enemy and I did not anticipate wrong. The beauty in that is that Christ is enough and the armor of God is perfect for battle. He asked me to step out on faith in my job and as I did, with trembling feet, I wanted to badly find security for myself. I looked for ways to plan out the next couple of months on my own but He told me to wait and as I did He started to provide and work the way only He can. Praise God. 

February showed up just in time and I am finally starting to catch my breath long enough to be really excited about this year. There has been a lot of changes in the lives of my friends. People are moving, exciting life and career things are happening, and life changing decisions are being made. Sometimes I feel the need to jump in and do something crazy just so I can be apart of it all. I can not be more happy for all of them though and I am equally excited for the steady path that the Lord has put me on. I can finally see a tiny tiny light at the end of the school tunnel. Just one more year (hopefully). I actually believe I can do it. 

To touch quickly on writing I just want to say I have been working on a couple different things. The problem is they are very personal and I am reverting back to my old ways of squirreling them away. I want desperately to be able to share. I know that the best writers are those that can be vulnerable and honest but this has always been hard for me especially if the content deals with people. I am praying and fighting through it. :) 

Lastly, February is here and it's the month of love. If you go into Wal-Mart it looks like cupid threw up. I actually really like Valentines but I also know that many times it can bring out the worst thoughts about ourselves if we don't have someone doting on us on the 14th. I hope that as this Valentine's day approaches, if you start feeling left out of all the love, you will know that you have a Creator who IS love and wants to lavishly dote on you everyday ... not just one day in February. I like flowers and sweet notes (and sometimes I really wish for them) but I don't think it gets better than knowing that Love himself chose me. That is enough. That is priceless.

Thanks for trudging through that little recap of my extended holiday from this blog. It's some of the highlights of what's been going on in my life. I know it wasn't much to read or very eloquent but look for some things in the future to be posted! 


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